
Now is The Time

Escaped the fog it's a dangerous Illusion
Accusations festering Lies
Controlling Egos casting false Suspicions
Makes the truth so hard to Find

Down, Down
All through the Ages
Bound, Round
Controlling our Lives
Ground, Found
End this Confusion
Love is the Answer
Now is the Time

Politicians say they have the Answers
But their actions reveal their Crimes
Our compassion gives us the Power
With Love and kindness
Together we will Shine

Down, Down
All through the Ages
Bound, Round Controlling our Lives
Ground, Found
End this Confusion
Love is the Answer
Now is the Time

Stop this deception
Erase all Lies
Believe what's True is the Truth
It will make our dreams come True
Peace, Love and Understanding

The key to Truth is Understanding
We're all together in this Life
We have a Need
Longing and Desire
Love is the Answer
Now is the Time

Down, Down
All through the Ages
Bound, Round
Controlling our Lives
Ground, Found
End this Confusion
Love is the Answer Now is the Time
Stop this deception
Erase all lies
believe whats true is the truth it will make our dreams come true.

Resist the Pull
Hate has no Answers
It breeds Destruction, destroying Lives
We have a Vision based on Understanding
Together we will flourish and Thrive

Down, Down
All through the Ages
Bound, Round
Controlling our Lives
Ground Found
End this Confusion
Love is the answer Now is the Time
Peace Love and Understanding