Consciousness guides our universe; it is the foundation of creation and is embedded in all that is known. Humanity has the gift and in turn responsibility to not only be part of this universal consciousness but to also be creators. Our creations create civilizations, societies, what's wrong, what's right. We create stories, music, art. We create destinies and reality.

 Time Hermit is my creative outlet, and this blog will chronicle the process in the making of Time Hermit's first album, Conscious Humanity: Beginnings. "Now is the Time" is the first single and is the first attempt on this journey. My big takeaway is that I have a lot to learn, but it is satisfying when you create. As mentioned in previous blogs i have been playing guitar for a lifetime and to finally get to do the things I love, writing, recording all the guitars and vocals and recording is a dream come true. For drums I use Toon Tracks EZ drummer2, E-Mu controller and editing software. I always wanted to record, mix music.  Electronics, computers and sound reproduction have always been interests of mine and with today's software and recording gear it's possible to create music that rocks. So this is my Beginning

 Time Hermit is the concept for "Conscious Humanity Project" Focusing on humanities journey through time and highlight music for life's journey. Time Hermit observes humanity journey, and the importance music plays in that journey. It encompasses many different genres of music which represent different feelings and times.

 What is Time Hermit music? My vision: "Hippie Justice Guitar Rock". It will highlight issues that affect humanities struggles as we continue to evolve, grow as a collective and our impact in the universe. 

Feel free to contact and suggestions or questions are appreciated.


Time Hermit.



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