Music dreams and guitars

   Time hermit is my life journey realized. Guitars and music have played dominate roles throughout my life. I have played in different bands over the years but never did fulfill my dream of writing, playing, recording and sharing original music with others. I was about 13 when I wrote my first song, not that I remember it except the title "Plastic People". In High School I was in several bands and one of them we only did mostly original music, but we were young, and we had lots of fun. I have played in many bands throughout the years either playing bass or lead guitar. Came close a couple of times of getting some original music out but for various reasons it never happened. What I did do is that I kept the dream alive and continued to write and built a small studio and have been learning how to record and mix. It has been exciting and rewarding. It is a testament to keep on dreaming. For me it has always been my master plan, besides playing and writing I also wanted to be a recording engineer/producer and because of technology it is possible.

   Besides keeping the dream alive it doesn't hurt to have a plan. Especially nowadays being an indie musician is a viable possibility.  I started researching and wrote a business plan for a business degree exploring all aspects of the music creation process. That includes marketing and promotion and hopefully a good product. There are so many resources nowadays. For Time Hermit it is a one man show for now. Originally, I had envisioned that I would collaborate with my old bandmates or new bandmates, hence building my little studio. But with the pandemic and the loss of a few old friends I ended up just going for it. It is a little more challenging but very rewarding. I have been learning how to record and mix and writing and playing new music, creating artwork and setting up a website. This is the beginning of a new chapter in time and hope you will join me.

   Currently I have just finished recording the tracks for the first single "Now is the Time". This is just the beginning. for learning, evolving and growing. I also appreciate feedback and suggestion as this project grows. The plan at this time is to have the first single out this month (March 2022) and another single in April, with an album this Summer. At this time there are no plans to play live but that is in the future. Right now, the goal is to finish the album and get it published and the web site up and running. Everything else like gigs and merchandise will be for a later time.

    So, what is the music you will hear from the Time Hermit? 

   The mission is to provide "Music for Life's Journey" which in my mind encompasses many styles and genres. For now, it will be guitars, especially electric guitars. I have six electric, two acoustic guitars and a four sting and a five string Bass. Lots of different amps, pedals, microphones, mixers, and. recording equipment. Right now, as we continue this journey I will be blogging regularly about processes and how I realize my vision. When it comes to the songs, I have a basic template; 2 rhythm guitar tracks, a melodic lead harmony part and then of course the lead track.  All using different guitars, voicings, effects and amps. All the things I have read about recording especially home recoding over the years. At the core the music will be multiple guitar riff rock, what I like to call riff licking music. as for style it will be open for discussion.

   Hope you enjoy, more to come.  The plan is to update the blog weekly as we embark on this musical journey. It's time to get back to finishing this first single so we will have more to talk about in the future. Thanks for your time and thoughts.

See you soon.

Time Hermit

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